Rates & Packages
1. Spiritual Activities Rate
Spiritual Activities Rate at Mirah Delima Institute is competitive and it is based on local standard.
Mirah Delima Institute (MDI) has developed an extensive range of treatments, journeys and programs to meet our client’s needs and expectations. We provide a basic menu of options and packages to provide a starting point for your consideration.
As a non-profit organization working directly with local Masters, we seek to work within your budget and maintain respectful and fair-trade pricing on all our programs and services offered. Donations and program fees include a percentage that also covers costs for our dedicated administration and journey team.
General Yoga | USD 50 | 90 minutes |
Meditation | USD 50 | 90 minutes |
Spiritual Healing | USD 50 | 90 minutes |
Intuitive Reading | USD 50 | 90 minutes |
Chakra Balancing | USD 50 | 90 minutes |
Sound Healing | USD 50 | 90 minutes |
Master Consultation | USD 60 | 90 minutes |
High Priest Consultation | USD 150 | Subject to the issue |
Notes : time and place for each activity, would be arrange and informed due to our master availability.
2.Spiritual Activities Package
Explore our Spiritual Retreat and Healing packages to deepen your spiritual connection and utilize the profound energetic connections that exist in Bali to expand your consciousness.
We have combined the best in Balinese accommodation with MDI’s offerings to ensure your stay with us and the work you are undertaking is seamless and fully supported by a high energy healing environment and our unique team.
Consultation with our Masters and journeying through temples and sacred sites to facilitate a conscious and profound connection is provided by way of our Spiritual Retreats, Master Consultations and Journeys. They are designed to be an adventure into the spiritual life that Bali is so famous for. Accommodation and programs are tailored specifically for your needs and are suitable for people of all ages, backgrounds and needs.
Our mission is to ensure you experience the genuine traditional Balinese way of life:
– Tri Hita Karana – the three fundamental balancing elements that underpin traditional life in Bali.
– Sekala Niskala – our traditional Balinese spiritual healing and practices that connect and restore balance to the reality and conscious world with the unseen and spiritual forces
We believe our unique program and the support of our Balinese Masters and team will help you open your heart to discover your higher self through experiencing the ‘real Bali’, as you become more aware that this physical world is permeated by the spiritual world that is so intrinsic to Bali – our Island of the Gods.
Deeply connecting in Bali with Mirah Delima Institute Programs and the experience provides the time and opportunity to guide you to be a better person according to your path.
3.Nusa Penida Sacred Pilgrimages (2 days and 1 night)
We will visit 3 famous sacred temples in Nusa Penida island, south of Bali Island. There are Giri Putri Cave temple, Dalem Ped temple and Pucak Mundi temple.
All of those temples known in Bali for the superb energy of spiritual healing, which combines masculine and feminine of Bali sacred energies, to induce energy within each one, to then be used in accordance with their respective life goals.
You can also enjoy the natural wonders of the Goa Giri Putri temple, the atmosphere of Nusa Penida beach at Pura Dalem Ped, and the atmosphere of Nusa Penida village at Pucak Mundi Temple.
Package rates: USD 100 (6-persons package)
Package include:
– Boat ticket.
– Transportation at Nusa Penida.
– 1 x Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at local restaurant.
– Temple holy water purification.
– Offering for all temple.
– Master consultation.
06.00 Wita Picked up at meeting point
07.00 Wita Sailing to Nusa Penida from Sanur Harbor
07.00 – 08.00 Wita Visiting Giri Putri Cave Temple
08.00 – 11.00 Wita Temple water purification, praying and meditation
11.00 – 12.00 Wita Preparation to Pucak Mundi Temple
12.00 – 13.00 Wita Lunch and briefing
14.00 – 16.00 Wita Praying and meditation at Pucak Mundi Temple
17.00 – 18.00 Wita Bathing at Dalem Ped temple area
!8.00 – 20.00 Wita Dinner
20.00 – 24.00 Wita Special praying, meditation and healing at Dalem Ped Temple
24.00 Wita Rest
06.00 – 07.00 Wita Morning praying, meditation, and synchronizing all of the enrgy
08.00 Depart from Nusa Penida Harbor to Sanur Harbor
09.00 Wita Picked up to meeting point
4. Mount Arjuna & Mandara Giri Temple, Java sacred pilgrimages (4 days 3 night)
Arjuna volcano is the third highest mountain in East Java with an altitude of 3,339 meters above sea level. The name Arjuna is taken from one of the characters in the Mahabharata story. Like other mountains which are very sacred, on Mount Arjuna there are also many historical sites which are very strong with a mystical aura and make it one of the best choices for spiritual travel purposes.
Meanwhile, Mandara Giri Temple is one of the oldest temples, located at the foot of Mount Semeru, in Lumajang Regency – East Java.
In the ancient book of Tantu Panggelaran, it is told that the location at the foot of Mount Semeru is likened to the story of the transfer of the peak of Mount Mahameru from India to Java Island, this is related to the history of the name of Mount Semeru, the highest mountain on Java Island. This temple is very unique with the style of the Majapahit kingdom and its extraordinary spiritual energy aura.
Package rates: USD 200 + Airplane tickets (6-person package)
Package Include :
– Transportation in Java.
– 3 x Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner provide by local people.
– Offering
– 2 local porters.
– Mountain holy water purification.
– Master consultation
– Meditation
– Healing
09.00 Wita Depart from Ngurah Rai Airport Bali
09.00 WIB Arrive at Juanda Airport Surabaya
09.00 – 10.45 WIB Picked up by transport and heading to Mount Arjuna
10.45 – 12.00 WIB Arrive at Pos I, continue to Pos II by local transport
12.00 – 14.00 WIB Lunch and briefing
14.00 – 16.00 WIB Purification at Kunti Holy Spring and preparation for evening meditation at site
16.00 – 20.00 WIB Meditation, discussion & consultation with master
20.00 – 22.00 WIB Dinner, briefing, rest
06.00 – 07.00 WIB Breakfast and preparation heading to Pos V
07.00 – 12.00 WIB Climb to Pos III, IV, and V and visiting all of the sacred site on the way
12.00 – 14.00 WIB Lunch and briefing at Pos V
14.00 – 16.00 WIB Purification at Widodaren Holy Spring and preparation for evening event
16.00 – 20.00 WIB Meditation, Sacred Chakra Attunment and Balancing, receive and access Mount Arjuna energy
20.00 – 22.00 WIB Dinner, briefing, rest (small bonfire depends on situation)
06.00 – 07.00 WIB Breakfast and preparation
07.00 – 12.00 WIB Climbing down and arrive at Pos II
12.00 – 14.00 WIB Lunch and briefing at Pos II
14.00 – 15.00 WIB Picked up by local transport down to Pos I
15.00 – 20.00 WIB Heading to Mandara Giri Temple
20.00 – 22.00 WIB Dinner, bathing, praying and meditation preparation
22.00 – 24.00 WIB Praying, meditation, and synchronizing all of the energy
24.00 WIB Rest
06.00 – 07.00 WIB Morning praying and meditation
07.00 – 08.00 WIB Breakfast
08.00 – 09.00 WIB Preparation and check out
09.00 – 11.00 WIB Heading to Juanda Airport Surabaya
5. Java Spiritual Journey
Pura Blambangan, Pura Gunung Raung, Pura Mandara Giri Semeru, Pura Puten Luhur Bromo
This Java Island Dharma Yatra trip will begin by visiting the Blambangan Temple which is located in Tembok Rejo Village, Muncar District, and entering the largest of the 92 other temples in Banyuwangi, East Java. This temple is a relic from the Blambangan kingdom. The journey will continue to Mount Raung Temple which is still in the Banyuwangi area, East Java, which is one of the historical heritages of Rsi Markandeya.
Next is to visit the Mandara Giri Semeru Agung Temple which is located at the foot of Mount Semeru, precisely in Senduro Village, Senduro District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. Hyang Shiva Pasupati as a manifestation of Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa who resides at the top of Mount Semeru. It is said that the location at the foot of Mount Semeru is likened to the myth about the transfer of the peak of Mount Mahameru from India to Java Island, this is related to the history of the name of Mount Semeru, the highest mountain on Java Island.
Finally, visiting the Poten Bromo Temple, a vast sea of sand with high Mount Batok, the beautiful Mount Bromo, and surrounded by mountains and hills, becomes an extraordinary charm at Mount Bromo, which is in the Tengger area, East Java. This temple is a place of worship for Dewa Brohmo (God Brahma), who is a manifestation of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa as the Creator. Luhur Poten Temple is a piece of land in the middle of a sea of sand at the foot of Mount Bromo. This temple is the venue for the Kasada ceremony which is held in July-August and is used for prayers for the Tengger people who mostly embrace Hinduism. To get to this place, you can use a Jeep or use a horse.
Package rates: USD 300 (8-person package)
Package Include :
– Hi Ace.
– 1 x Breakfast, 2 x Lunch and Dinner.
– Offering
– Mineral water during trip.
– Master consultation
– Meditation
– Chakra balancing.
– Healing
Spiritual Journey Route
06.30 – Pick up at the location point
08.30 – Pray at the Rambut Siwi Temple intersection
12.00 – Prayer at Agung Blambangan Temple
13.30 – Lunch at the Pura Agung Blambangan area
15.30 – Prayer at Giri Mulya Raung Temple
18.00 – Prayer at Mandara Giri Semeru Agung Lumajang Temple
20.00 – Dinner at local Restaurant
22.00 – Stay at the Hotel in the Bromo area
Day 2
08.00 – Breakfast at the Hotel
10.30 – Prayer at Poten Bromo Temple
12.30 – Lunch at local restaurant
13.30 – The journey continues back to Bali
18.00 – Dinner at local restaurant on the way
21.30 – Arrive at the location point
Rincian biaya dengan Target 8 orang peserta
Biaya Transport ( Hi Ace + Sopir + BBM dll ) 2 hari = 6.000.000
Makan H1 ( L & D ) + H2 ( BLD ) = @300.000 x 8 = 2.400.000
Banten (Pejati 5, Canang, Dupa , bunga, sesari) = 1.000.000
Guest house bromo area = @300.000 x 8 = 2.400.000
Sewa Jeep Bromo = @750.000 x 2 = 1.500.000
Tour leader = @500.000 x 2 = 1.000.000
Total estimasi = 14.300.000
Biaya per peserta = 14.300.000 / 8 = 1.787.500
Standar bus 30, minimal 25…..
Special Pilgrimages (rates and duration are subject to discuss with master in charge)
– Short Temple Pilgrimage (Panca Dewata)
Besakih, Lempuyang, Andakasa, Batukaru, Ulun Danu Batur
– Complete Temple Pilgrimage (Dewata Nawa Sanga)
Short Temple Pilgrimage + Goa Lawah, Uluwatu, Pucak Mangu
– Hollistic Pilgrimage
Water temple purification / High Priest purification + complete pilgrimage + spesific temple / portal related to your spesific personal energy